British Obstacle Sports Membership Renewals

Under 18 (Two Year Renewal)

Please select the most relevant reason for why you decided to renew your British Obstacle Sports membership.


  • Membership will expire after the length of the purchased membership period from the day of purchase unless:
    • You are renewing an existing membership that has expired or will expire in the future. In which case it will be extended from this renewal date.
    • Memberships that have been lapsed more than six months will be considered dormant and new memberships will be created. Note this will lose any benefits asscociated with the longevity of your membership.
  • As a British Obstacle Sports member you agree to:
  • British Obstalce Sports is serious in its commitment to high standards of behaviour amongst all British Obstacle Sports members. A disciplinary process is available on request. British Obstacle Sports reserves the right to withdraw membership. A refund will not be issued in such a circumstance.
  • Your name and membership number will be made available to partners for the purposes of discount verification. You may also be asked to show ID.
  • If you take part in an event that British Obstacle Sports organises or supports then your name, gender and age group may be utilised for the purposes of competition results.
  • Your details may be transferred and stored on membership platform or similar for the purposes of managing your membership.
  • British Obstacle Sports do not share your personal data for any other purposes not notified to you (unless you instruct us to do so). Your personal data may need to be processed by our legal and professional advisers on our behalf under confidential and secure terms. All such third parties will be subject to appropriate contracts protecting your privacy interests.
  • If under 18 then Membership Terms & Conditions must also be agreed by a parent/guardian. 
  • If you are registering for Supporter membership then some membership benefits (such as member insurance and the ability to compete) as part of our Adult membership may not be available to you.
  • British Obstacle Sports membership is non-refundable or transferable. 

Please review and confirm you have read and understand the requirements of British Obstacle Sports membership.