THP winter 2024

W10 : 13 km / 700 m D+

Personal information

Minimum 18 years old

Contact details

Medical certification / license

Once your registration for the race is complete, our partner Dokeop will send you an email inviting you to deposit your supporting document (medical certificate or licence) on their platform for verification.
Use the Dokeop medical certificate template generator to ensure the validation of your supporting document.

5Mb max

The organization recommends that participants have individual accident insurance that includes civil liability, rescue costs, repatriation assistance, medical expenses, disability and death.

If you do not have personal accident insurance, you can take out one through our partner Assur Connect, an insurance broker specialized in sports.

To protect yourself, please click here.

In case of emergency...

I am interested in Carpooling, and I would like Oscar de Cariocar to notify me by email if other participants want to carpool.

Answering "yes" implies that you agree the organizer gives your data to this partner

In the event of a positive response, we will forward to Cariocar SAS the following information: your last name, first name, email and race information (name, date, city).