Evian Triathlon 2024

Lé-Man Full Distance

Minimum 18 years old





The race committee reserves the right to accept or no your start in the preferential wave.



We are trying to limit the production of swimming caps. If you still have the cap that was given to you for the first edition (2023), you can reuse it for this new edition! 

For organisational reasons, we will automatically supply caps for the SAS preferential triathletes and for the relays.


Once your registration completed, we will contact you to discuss your needs and the organisation required.


In compliance with the French Sport Law of March 2, 2022, the French Triathlon Federation, on the favorable opinion of its National Medical Commission issued on February 09, 2023, has decided to remove the requirement to present a medical clearance certificate stating that there are no contraindications to the practicing sport, and to replace it with this form.


In the course of the past 12 months, have you felt/experienced:
● Chest pain after exertion?
● Palpitations (unusual perception of heartbeat - irregular and/or rapid - of short or more or less extended duration)?
● Discomfort during exercise?
● Sudden loss of consciousness, either at rest or while exercising?
● Unusual shortness of breath on exertion?
If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, it is imperative and URGENT that you consult b doctor before pursuing training or/and competing.

For more information on cardiovascular risk and sporting activities, please refer to the
following content : Appendix

● Has a member of your family (parent, sibling, child) suddenly passed away from a heart-related or
other unexplained cause?
● Has a member of your family (parent, brother, sister) suffered from heart disease before the age of 35?
● Did you engage in intensive physical activity without undergoing a medical check-up after the age of 45 (woman) 35 (man) to assess your cardiovascular risk?
● You have at least two of these cardiovascular risk factors, namely:

     ○ You are over 50 years old,
     ○ Active or weaned smocking for less than 3 years,
     ○ Diabetes of any type,
     ○ Cholesterol abnormality,
     ○ Hypertension;

● Are you being monitored for a chronic disease?
● Are you still competing and/or engaging in intensive physical activity after the age of 60?
● Have you experienced an unexplained decrease in your performances over the past twelve months?
If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, it is essential that you seek medical advice or even undergo a medical check-up before continuing to practice triathlon and its associated disciplines, with or without competition.

Have a look at the rules here

If :
● You have never had an electrocardiogram in your life,
● In the last 12 months, you have stopped sport for more than 30 days for health reasons,
● You think you may have a food problem, or if someone has ever commented on it,
● You are a woman and have not had your period for over 3 months,
● You have had a head injury or concussion,
● You simply think you need medical clearance to continue practicing your sport.
Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you consult your doctor to discuss these points, and even carry out a check-up, before continuing to intensify your practice.

For more information on the different medical risks associated with your sporting activities, please consult the following content : Appendix

The French Triathlon Federation provides its members and competitors with
information/recommendations on the following subjects (see appendix and/or web link):
● Musculoskeletal disorders : (appendix)
● Nutrition : (appendix)
● Use of dietary supplements : (appendix)
● Anti-doping : https://triathlon.org/search#q=doping
● Leptospirosis : https://www.pasteur.fr/en/medical-center/disease-sheets/leptospirosis

Finally, because three simple gestures - cardiac massage / call / using a defibrillator - can save lives, including in sport, the French Triathlon Federation encourages you to train in lifesaving gestures: "every minute saved is 10% more chance of survival".
Spread the word around you.


When you collect your number, you will receive a pair of Triloop technical socks in the event colours!


All orders placed 1 month before the event can be collected from the village. After that, you will receive them at your home after the event. 

If you would like to order multiple items, please contact us at infoevian@triathlonevian.com.


The size guides are available here: Men's Guide and Women's Guide.


If you are registered for the La Tour Genève Triathlon 2024 and/or the Valais Triathlon Festival 2024, you can benefit from a 10% discount on the price of your registration for the Evian Triathlon. To confirm this, we need the reservation code that you can find in the confirmation mail that you received.



Please download your student card to benefit from the 15% discount on your race.

The Association for the Safeguard of Lake Geneva (ASL) is an apolitical, Franco-Swiss non-profit organisation. It is of scientific reference and has been recognised as a public utility. Through a combination of fieldwork, political lobbying, awareness-raising, programs for young people, and the quarterly magazine Lémaniques, the ASL works to ensure the proper functioning of aquatic ecosystems and that Lake Geneva remains a source of drinking water for future generations.